Tuesday, April 8, 2008

aid4families.com petitions federal reserve board for $29 Billion to rebuild global consumer economy

Newswire Today) — Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada, 04/08/2008 - Family income assistance program request billions to offset industry coup..

aid4families.com the program designed to bring wealth to the masses, now finds itself in need of assistance. Losing millions due to account seizures and freezing by various industry backed agencies, makes a request to be made whole under special provisions under section 13-3. The request was made directly to the federal reserve board. The text follows:

This is an express direct request for the governors to approve a $29 Billion loan to aid4families.com. Under section 13-3 there are provisions that allow the board to use it's discretion to make loans to any person or organization it may choose. Our organization is bleeding millions of dollars which is having devastating consequences on our depositors and the economy as a whole. We provide income supplements and therefore could stimulate the global economy like no other. Currently under siege by an industry led coup, we assume that most of the harassment would cease with your endorsement. We sincerely make this request and await your prompt attention. For further information feel free to contact Reyanne and Diangel Matthews at 709-832-3899 or at admin@aid4families.com

Aid4families fully expects access to loans guaranteed by the federal reserve and ultimately the american taxpayer. Aid4families.com is not only looking to receive the requested funds because of simply moral and just reasons but also asserts it's ENTITLEMENT to a taxpayer bailout. Unlike the other firms lining up at the taxpayer windows worldwide, aid4famiies is suffering due to no fault of it's own. The generosity of the program stimulates economies by putting the money into the hands of the people rather than allowing it to be hoarded, the way those receiving infusions of huge sums are now and in the past. We hope that our request is on track for speedy approval.

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